Click HERE for Missions. Ignore everything before Mission 1.
Housekeeping: We are now working in Chapter 11.3: Spectroscopy. This is a very short section, but the content can be difficult to understand. It should take us no more than two weeks to complete 11.3, and then we will move into Option B: Biochemistry.
Click HERE for Missions. Ignore everything before Mission 1.
Housekeeping: Welcome back! I hope you had a great holiday! We are moving on to Chapter 10 (& 20), Organic Chemistry. I sent you guys a packet last semester that will be helpful this week. I expect that this chapter will take no more than three weeks to complete. Your KOGNITY assignment has already been sent to you and it's due at the end of this month.
Your Group 4 project is scheduled for February 6 & 7. We will talk more about that in the upcoming weeks. Click HERE for Missions. Housekeeping: We are now working in Chapter 9: Redox Processes. There is a lab associated with this chapter that we will do the week of the 18th. Your semester final is scheduled for December 6 and it will be over Chapters 1 - 9, so make sure you have all of your old tests.
Links below. Redox Processes I Redox Processes II Electrochemical Cells (HL) Housekeeping: We are now working in Chapter 8, Acids & Bases. This is a long chapter and there is math involved, so make sure you have a calculator and your Data Booklets ready to use and reference.
You will do a titration lab within the next couple of weeks. Click HERE for SL Missions. Click HERE for HL Missions. This week, SL has release while HL covers Chapter 16 and 17. On Friday, everyone will have an IA work day, so make sure your buckets are prepared and you are ready to collect data.
16: Chemical Kinetics 17: Equilibrium Law Housekeeping: Good morning, guys! Welcome back!
We have a lot to get through this semester, so make sure you got your game face on. Those of you who have gotten your IA topics approved will have time in class to do data collection. I haven't finished the schedule yet, but I'll definitely have it ready by the end of this week. A full rough draft of your IA is due on November 1st. By "full" I mean complete. I will not accept partially written IAs. If you have not gotten your IA approved, then you need to get it done before the end of the week. This semester SL will cover Chapters 6: Kinetics, 7: Equilibrium, 8: Acids & Bases, and 9: Redox Reactions. For HL, you will also cover Chapters 16, 17, 18 and 19. There are labs for each chapter, obviously. Because we have so much to cover, it is expected that you will keep up with the content we are unable to cover in class. I'll let you know when this becomes necessary. A failure to keep up with the work means that once you get behind, it is difficult to catch up. So please don't do that to yourself, especially HL students. Remember that HL covers twice as much material as SL in the same amount of time. All right. Let's get into it. Click HERE for Kinetics Missions. Click HERE for Equilibrium Missions. Click HERE to find information on the Winkler Method and the relationship between the equilibrium constant K and redox reactions.
Housekeeping: Happy New Year!!! I hope your holiday was as awesome as mine.
Your IAs should be uploaded by end of school today. No excuses. On January 24-25, we will travel to Ciwidey for you to study the ecosystem for your G4 project. We have not yet assigned work groups. When we do, you'll know. Don't ask for preferences. Mock exams take place the week of February 11-18, 2018. I believe that Paper 3 will have to be included in the mocks, as that's what happened last year. Which means we will spend this month covering Option C, just to be sure. The best way to cover Option C: Energy is to break the chapter up into sections and assign you a section to teach. You will work in pairs. Your lesson should be no more than 35 minutes long. All lessons must include: 1. Some sort of introduction and/or warmup 2. Section Objectives 3. Notes for students to take (make use of the YouTube videos on Option C) 4. Short lecture and explanation of the concepts (minimum 8 minutes, maximum 12 minutes) 5. Images, diagrams, concept maps, handouts etc. 6. Review of the lesson objectives and a Q/A session 7. Lesson Summary 8. Practice problems* *I will provide practice problem resources. If you want to do an activity, like Kahoot or anything like that, it's fine. You can do a PowerPoint presentation (or something to this effect), create handouts, construct a wiki or webpage...any combination of presentation methods you want to obtain the best possible grade. Anything that is digital, please send it to me so that I can make it available on the website for everybody. We will do two presentations every 45 minutes starting January 18, 2019. This assignment will count as a _______ grade. I will develop a rubric and have it ready by ___________. The topics are listed below. Topics that are AHL must be covered by AHL students. C1: Energy Sources Dr. Holt (January 17, 2019) C2: Fossil Fuels HANA & JOO HUN (January 18, 2019) C3: Nuclear Fission & Fusion MATTHEW & TOM (January 18, 2019) C4: Solar Energy MIN KYU & JEFFREY (January 21, 2019) C5: Environmental Impact AUDREY & CARLSTON (January 21, 2019) C6: Electrochemistry, Rechargeable Batteries & Fuel Cells (AHL) HUGO (2/1/19) C7: Nuclear Fusion & Fission (AHL) Dr. Holt (January 31, 2019) C8: Photovoltaic Cells & Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (AHL) CLARA (2/1/19) Housekeeping: We are now investigating spectroscopy. This is the last chapter for SL and HL content. Everything we do after this week will be related to your IA, the G4 project, or prep for mock exams in February. I won't cover Option C: Energy until after mock exams. You should have your graded IAs no later than next Monday. You guys got a lot of work to do.
I emailed you some practice questions for this section, but I don't plan to quiz you over it. Please download the questions. Content Review: Textbook: Chapter 11.3 Links: Understanding Chemistry Virtual Textbook Click HERE for Missions. Housekeeping: We are now in Chapter 10: Organic Chemistry. I have provided you a set of notes that we will fill in as we go along. Organic chemistry has an incredible amount of detail. You need to be able to read, count, name and sketch different organic compounds.
Content Review: Textbook: Chapter 10 (SL) & Chapter 20 (HL) Links: Understanding Chemistry Virtual Textbook Downloads: Organic Chem Notes Click below for the Missions. 10.1: Fundamentals 10.2: Functional Groups 20.1: Types of Organic Reactions 20.2: Synthetic Routes 20.3: Stereoisomerism |
February 2020