Housekeeping: Happy New Year!!! I hope your holiday was as awesome as mine.
Your IAs should be uploaded by end of school today. No excuses.
On January 24-25, we will travel to Ciwidey for you to study the ecosystem for your G4 project. We have not yet assigned work groups. When we do, you'll know. Don't ask for preferences.
Mock exams take place the week of February 11-18, 2018. I believe that Paper 3 will have to be included in the mocks, as that's what happened last year. Which means we will spend this month covering Option C, just to be sure. The best way to cover Option C: Energy is to break the chapter up into sections and assign you a section to teach. You will work in pairs.
Your lesson should be no more than 35 minutes long. All lessons must include:
1. Some sort of introduction and/or warmup
2. Section Objectives
3. Notes for students to take (make use of the YouTube videos on Option C)
4. Short lecture and explanation of the concepts (minimum 8 minutes, maximum 12 minutes)
5. Images, diagrams, concept maps, handouts etc.
6. Review of the lesson objectives and a Q/A session
7. Lesson Summary
8. Practice problems*
*I will provide practice problem resources. If you want to do an activity, like Kahoot or anything like that, it's fine.
You can do a PowerPoint presentation (or something to this effect), create handouts, construct a wiki or webpage...any combination of presentation methods you want to obtain the best possible grade. Anything that is digital, please send it to me so that I can make it available on the website for everybody.
We will do two presentations every 45 minutes starting January 18, 2019.
This assignment will count as a _______ grade. I will develop a rubric and have it ready by ___________.
The topics are listed below. Topics that are AHL must be covered by AHL students.
C1: Energy Sources Dr. Holt (January 17, 2019)
C2: Fossil Fuels HANA & JOO HUN (January 18, 2019)
C3: Nuclear Fission & Fusion MATTHEW & TOM (January 18, 2019)
C4: Solar Energy MIN KYU & JEFFREY (January 21, 2019)
C5: Environmental Impact AUDREY & CARLSTON (January 21, 2019)
C6: Electrochemistry, Rechargeable Batteries & Fuel Cells (AHL) HUGO (2/1/19)
C7: Nuclear Fusion & Fission (AHL) Dr. Holt (January 31, 2019)
C8: Photovoltaic Cells & Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (AHL) CLARA (2/1/19)
Your IAs should be uploaded by end of school today. No excuses.
On January 24-25, we will travel to Ciwidey for you to study the ecosystem for your G4 project. We have not yet assigned work groups. When we do, you'll know. Don't ask for preferences.
Mock exams take place the week of February 11-18, 2018. I believe that Paper 3 will have to be included in the mocks, as that's what happened last year. Which means we will spend this month covering Option C, just to be sure. The best way to cover Option C: Energy is to break the chapter up into sections and assign you a section to teach. You will work in pairs.
Your lesson should be no more than 35 minutes long. All lessons must include:
1. Some sort of introduction and/or warmup
2. Section Objectives
3. Notes for students to take (make use of the YouTube videos on Option C)
4. Short lecture and explanation of the concepts (minimum 8 minutes, maximum 12 minutes)
5. Images, diagrams, concept maps, handouts etc.
6. Review of the lesson objectives and a Q/A session
7. Lesson Summary
8. Practice problems*
*I will provide practice problem resources. If you want to do an activity, like Kahoot or anything like that, it's fine.
You can do a PowerPoint presentation (or something to this effect), create handouts, construct a wiki or webpage...any combination of presentation methods you want to obtain the best possible grade. Anything that is digital, please send it to me so that I can make it available on the website for everybody.
We will do two presentations every 45 minutes starting January 18, 2019.
This assignment will count as a _______ grade. I will develop a rubric and have it ready by ___________.
The topics are listed below. Topics that are AHL must be covered by AHL students.
C1: Energy Sources Dr. Holt (January 17, 2019)
C2: Fossil Fuels HANA & JOO HUN (January 18, 2019)
C3: Nuclear Fission & Fusion MATTHEW & TOM (January 18, 2019)
C4: Solar Energy MIN KYU & JEFFREY (January 21, 2019)
C5: Environmental Impact AUDREY & CARLSTON (January 21, 2019)
C6: Electrochemistry, Rechargeable Batteries & Fuel Cells (AHL) HUGO (2/1/19)
C7: Nuclear Fusion & Fission (AHL) Dr. Holt (January 31, 2019)
C8: Photovoltaic Cells & Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (AHL) CLARA (2/1/19)