Housekeeping: We are now investigating chemical reactions. You will have a quiz overt chemical bonding Nov. 14 and your exam over chemical bonding is scheduled for Nov. 28. Included in this new unit are two labs where you will investigate different kinds of chemical reactions. One you will design yourself. I'll explain more about this next week.
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Design Lab: Over the course of next week, you will design a lab to investigate single replacement and double replacement reactions. Recall the structure of a single-replacement chemical equation. You will perform these experiments in test tubes and predict then observe the outcomes. You will document evidence that a reaction takes place. Next week, you will finish up SRRs. This will be graded under Criterion B and C.
You will submit the following:
1. Completed data table, a paragraph describing what you learned, and a detailed evaluation that includes strengths, weaknesses and ways to improve the lab. Each of these are worth up to 8 points, depending on the quality. (Criterion C) THIS IS DUE TODAY (November 28th).
2. A writeup that includes (1) research question, (2) a tentative hypothesis (relate this to the activity series of metals), (3) IV/DV/Control, (4) materials list (bulleted), (5) numbered step-by-step procedure, and (6) how the data should be collected. (Criterion B) THIS IS DUE TOMORROW (November 29th).
Because you worked in groups, the smartest thing to do is to divvy up the workload. Before you submit (via dropbox), show it to me so that I can give you feedback.
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Design Lab: Over the course of next week, you will design a lab to investigate single replacement and double replacement reactions. Recall the structure of a single-replacement chemical equation. You will perform these experiments in test tubes and predict then observe the outcomes. You will document evidence that a reaction takes place. Next week, you will finish up SRRs. This will be graded under Criterion B and C.
You will submit the following:
1. Completed data table, a paragraph describing what you learned, and a detailed evaluation that includes strengths, weaknesses and ways to improve the lab. Each of these are worth up to 8 points, depending on the quality. (Criterion C) THIS IS DUE TODAY (November 28th).
2. A writeup that includes (1) research question, (2) a tentative hypothesis (relate this to the activity series of metals), (3) IV/DV/Control, (4) materials list (bulleted), (5) numbered step-by-step procedure, and (6) how the data should be collected. (Criterion B) THIS IS DUE TOMORROW (November 29th).
Because you worked in groups, the smartest thing to do is to divvy up the workload. Before you submit (via dropbox), show it to me so that I can give you feedback.