Skeletal, Muscular & Skin Systems
Mission 1: Dem Bones Yo!
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Describe the major structures of the skeletal system and their functions.
2. Explain how your skeletal system works.
3. Differentiate between the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.
4. List and describe the different kinds of joints.
5. Name the five functions of the skeletal system.
You have a blank diagram of the human skeleton. You will label and annotate each bone. By "annotate" I mean provide a brief description. Here is an exhaustive list of the 206 bones in the human body. Before we do that, let's watch this video.
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Describe the major structures of the skeletal system and their functions.
2. Explain how your skeletal system works.
3. Differentiate between the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.
4. List and describe the different kinds of joints.
5. Name the five functions of the skeletal system.
You have a blank diagram of the human skeleton. You will label and annotate each bone. By "annotate" I mean provide a brief description. Here is an exhaustive list of the 206 bones in the human body. Before we do that, let's watch this video.
Let's go into detail with the bone joints. Be sure to have an example of each type of joint.
How well did you learn the major bones? Let's find out. Screenshot your score and send it to me.
Since you guys did so well with the anatomy arcade last week, maybe you can learn the bones by playing Whack-A-Bone. Screenshot your score and send it to me. This one counts.
Mission 2: I Love Muscles!! <3
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Describe the major muscles of the muscular system and their functions.
2. Explain how your muscular system makes your body move.
There are at least 600 muscles in the human body. This website goes into significant detail with the nomenclature. It's a good reference but you don't need to know the names of every single muscle. Who has time for that?? Not I, said the cat. But we will look at the 11 major muscle groups: quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps, forearms, trapezius, and abdominals.
You do need to get familiar with the functions of the muscular system. So let's watch this video and then go here. Be sure that you can define the word "sarcomere." Stop watching the video at 4:20.
How well did you learn the major bones? Let's find out. Screenshot your score and send it to me.
Since you guys did so well with the anatomy arcade last week, maybe you can learn the bones by playing Whack-A-Bone. Screenshot your score and send it to me. This one counts.
Mission 2: I Love Muscles!! <3
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Describe the major muscles of the muscular system and their functions.
2. Explain how your muscular system makes your body move.
There are at least 600 muscles in the human body. This website goes into significant detail with the nomenclature. It's a good reference but you don't need to know the names of every single muscle. Who has time for that?? Not I, said the cat. But we will look at the 11 major muscle groups: quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps, forearms, trapezius, and abdominals.
You do need to get familiar with the functions of the muscular system. So let's watch this video and then go here. Be sure that you can define the word "sarcomere." Stop watching the video at 4:20.
Image from
You and a partner will investigate in detail one of the major muscle groups. By detail, I mean the following:
1. All of the muscles in that group
2. Where it is located on the body
3. What is its major function
4. How the muscles work together in movement
5. What type(s) of exercise it requires
You will put together a poster with this information. Include a big picture of your muscle group. Be sure to create a handout to pass out to your classmates and one for me.
This is due on __________________.
Let's get familiar with some basic muscle groups with this fun little interactive! You have to look at the muscles and then poke the correct ones. You cannot use your notes when the tutorial begins and you most certainly can't cheat with Google while you're running the simulation. My highest score was 86%. I challenge you to do better.
As we work our way through the interactive, label the muscle groups on the handouts I've given you.
How do we move? You tell me.
Homework: Complete the skeleton and muscular system handouts.
Mission 3. The Skin You're In.
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. List and describe the major functions of the integumentary system.
2. List and describe the major organs of the integumentary system.
3. Explain the functions of the dermis, epidermis, hypodermis, hair and nails.
4. Differentiate between the sudoriferous, sebaceous, and ceruminious glands.
Use the following links to help you: CliniMed WoundCare Integumentary
Complete the online review at the end of the page.
1. All of the muscles in that group
2. Where it is located on the body
3. What is its major function
4. How the muscles work together in movement
5. What type(s) of exercise it requires
You will put together a poster with this information. Include a big picture of your muscle group. Be sure to create a handout to pass out to your classmates and one for me.
This is due on __________________.
Let's get familiar with some basic muscle groups with this fun little interactive! You have to look at the muscles and then poke the correct ones. You cannot use your notes when the tutorial begins and you most certainly can't cheat with Google while you're running the simulation. My highest score was 86%. I challenge you to do better.
As we work our way through the interactive, label the muscle groups on the handouts I've given you.
How do we move? You tell me.
Homework: Complete the skeleton and muscular system handouts.
Mission 3. The Skin You're In.
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. List and describe the major functions of the integumentary system.
2. List and describe the major organs of the integumentary system.
3. Explain the functions of the dermis, epidermis, hypodermis, hair and nails.
4. Differentiate between the sudoriferous, sebaceous, and ceruminious glands.
Use the following links to help you: CliniMed WoundCare Integumentary
Complete the online review at the end of the page.
Here's a game you can play!
Homework: Download and complete this handout. We will use it to review in class.
Homework: Download and complete this handout. We will use it to review in class.