Food-borne Illnesses
For the next two weeks, you guys will work on this semester's research project. You and one other person will investigate one of the following food-borne illnesses and present your research to the class.
Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium botulinum
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
Hepatitis A
Tapeworm Infection
Outline your paper according to the following:
I. Introduction. Define and discuss food-borne illnesses in general terms. End your intro with a statement about which illness your paper will focus on. This is your thesis statement.
II. Body paragraph 1. Introduce your illness. How do patients contract it? How long does it last? What are the symptoms and side effects? Provide examples.
III. Body paragraph 2. Discuss how the illness is treated, if it can be treated. Does it result in death? Provide examples.
IV. Conclusion. Summarize the paper. What did you learn?
V. Evaluation. Evaluate the research that you have examined and discuss the its implications. Do you believe that your food-borne illness will eventually be eradicated or not? Why or why not?
You are required to use at least three sources (not Wikipedia or sites with ads, please). You must include in-text citations in your essay. The first thing you should do, as you're doing your research, is to outline your paper using the above format. Try to have 4-5 bullet points for body paragraphs 1 and 2. I will check your outlines and make suggestions on how to improve your essay. I will also check your sources and determine if they are appropriate.
Again, you will use Purdue OWL to help you with APA Style formatting, and you must include in-text citations and a works cited page at the end.
Your presentation has two components: a 2-page essay and a class presentation. I will distribute rubrics so that you have a format to follow. Presentations will take place during the week of ______________. A rough draft of the essay is due _______________. Final drafts are due _________________.
Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium botulinum
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
Hepatitis A
Tapeworm Infection
Outline your paper according to the following:
I. Introduction. Define and discuss food-borne illnesses in general terms. End your intro with a statement about which illness your paper will focus on. This is your thesis statement.
II. Body paragraph 1. Introduce your illness. How do patients contract it? How long does it last? What are the symptoms and side effects? Provide examples.
III. Body paragraph 2. Discuss how the illness is treated, if it can be treated. Does it result in death? Provide examples.
IV. Conclusion. Summarize the paper. What did you learn?
V. Evaluation. Evaluate the research that you have examined and discuss the its implications. Do you believe that your food-borne illness will eventually be eradicated or not? Why or why not?
You are required to use at least three sources (not Wikipedia or sites with ads, please). You must include in-text citations in your essay. The first thing you should do, as you're doing your research, is to outline your paper using the above format. Try to have 4-5 bullet points for body paragraphs 1 and 2. I will check your outlines and make suggestions on how to improve your essay. I will also check your sources and determine if they are appropriate.
Again, you will use Purdue OWL to help you with APA Style formatting, and you must include in-text citations and a works cited page at the end.
Your presentation has two components: a 2-page essay and a class presentation. I will distribute rubrics so that you have a format to follow. Presentations will take place during the week of ______________. A rough draft of the essay is due _______________. Final drafts are due _________________.