Introduction to Science
Housekeeping: Good morning! I'm Dr. Holt. Welcome to the Mad!Lab!
Student Missions
Mission 1: Science SMART!!!
Mission Objectives: You should be able to...
1. Generate at least five lab safety rules.
2. Develop a reasonable method for doing science.
3. Distinguish between research questions, hypotheses and variables.
4. Differentiate between accuracy and precision.
5. Perform calculations using sig figs and scientific notation.
Laboratory Safety
The Research Process
Accuracy & Precision
Student Missions
Mission 1: Science SMART!!!
Mission Objectives: You should be able to...
1. Generate at least five lab safety rules.
2. Develop a reasonable method for doing science.
3. Distinguish between research questions, hypotheses and variables.
4. Differentiate between accuracy and precision.
5. Perform calculations using sig figs and scientific notation.
Laboratory Safety
The Research Process
Accuracy & Precision
Components of a Research Project
Structure of a Lab Report
CoDIE Challenge
Sig Figs & Scientific Notation
Structure of a Lab Report
CoDIE Challenge
Sig Figs & Scientific Notation
Mission 2: Thinking and Writing
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Generate a hypothesis.
2. Identify the variables.
3. Write a research question.
Here is a lovely PowerPoint explaining what a hypothesis IS and what it ISN'T.
Here is another lovely PowerPoint explaining the difference between the independent variable (IV) and the dependent variable (DV).
Write a hypothesis for the following statements. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
a. What effect does studying with music have on test scores?
b. What effect does light have on plant growth?
Write a research question for the following. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
c. If plants are watered, then growth will increase.
d. If chocolate is given to teachers, then the amount of assigned homework will decrease.
Let's practice!!! Scroll to the very bottom of this page.
More practice.
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Generate a hypothesis.
2. Identify the variables.
3. Write a research question.
Here is a lovely PowerPoint explaining what a hypothesis IS and what it ISN'T.
Here is another lovely PowerPoint explaining the difference between the independent variable (IV) and the dependent variable (DV).
Write a hypothesis for the following statements. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
a. What effect does studying with music have on test scores?
b. What effect does light have on plant growth?
Write a research question for the following. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
c. If plants are watered, then growth will increase.
d. If chocolate is given to teachers, then the amount of assigned homework will decrease.
Let's practice!!! Scroll to the very bottom of this page.
More practice.