Diseases of the Human Body, I
It is now time to do an assessment for Option D. You will do a short (two pages) report on a disease that affects either the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, skeletal or muscular systems.
Suggestions: Asthma, Emphysema, COPD, Chronic Bronchitis, Hypertension, Stroke, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure, Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, and Tendinosis.
Outline your research paper according to the following:
I. Introduction. Introduce your disease. What is it? What causes it? Your introduction should end with your thesis statement. EXAMPLE: This paper will discuss the causes and treatments of arthritis.
II. Body paragraph 1. How is it contracted? Describe which segments of the world population are most likely to contract the disease (males, females, old people, young people, etc). How long does the disease last? Describe the symptoms and side effects. Provide examples.
III. Body paragraph 2. Discuss how the illness is treated, if it can be. Does it result in death? Provide examples.
IV. Conclusion. Summarize your findings. What did you learn?
V. Evaluate the research that you have examined. By "evaluate," I mean use your opinion to decide if what you investigated has merit. Did you use good sources? Do you understand what the research says? Do you believe it is completely correct, partially correct, or incorrect? State why and/or why not.
You are required to use at least three sources (not Wikipedia or sites with ads, please). You must include in-text citations in your essay. Use this link to Purdue OWL, as I would prefer you use APA style to reference your sources.
EXAMPLE OF AN IN-TEXT CITATION: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sleeping dog (Holt, 2019).
EXAMPLE IN A WORKS CITED FORMAT: Holt, K. (2019). Skeletal Systems. Retrieved from http://www.the-mad-scientist.net.
The Purdue OWL shows you how to write the reference for a website.
The first thing you should do, as you're doing your research is to outline your paper using the above format. Try to have 4-5 bullet points for body paragraphs I and II. I will check your outlines and make suggestions on how to improve your essay. I will also check your sources and determine if they are appropriate.
Due date for essay is October 4, 2019.
I am pleased with your progress as a whole. Let's keep this up!
Suggestions: Asthma, Emphysema, COPD, Chronic Bronchitis, Hypertension, Stroke, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure, Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, and Tendinosis.
Outline your research paper according to the following:
I. Introduction. Introduce your disease. What is it? What causes it? Your introduction should end with your thesis statement. EXAMPLE: This paper will discuss the causes and treatments of arthritis.
II. Body paragraph 1. How is it contracted? Describe which segments of the world population are most likely to contract the disease (males, females, old people, young people, etc). How long does the disease last? Describe the symptoms and side effects. Provide examples.
III. Body paragraph 2. Discuss how the illness is treated, if it can be. Does it result in death? Provide examples.
IV. Conclusion. Summarize your findings. What did you learn?
V. Evaluate the research that you have examined. By "evaluate," I mean use your opinion to decide if what you investigated has merit. Did you use good sources? Do you understand what the research says? Do you believe it is completely correct, partially correct, or incorrect? State why and/or why not.
You are required to use at least three sources (not Wikipedia or sites with ads, please). You must include in-text citations in your essay. Use this link to Purdue OWL, as I would prefer you use APA style to reference your sources.
EXAMPLE OF AN IN-TEXT CITATION: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sleeping dog (Holt, 2019).
EXAMPLE IN A WORKS CITED FORMAT: Holt, K. (2019). Skeletal Systems. Retrieved from http://www.the-mad-scientist.net.
The Purdue OWL shows you how to write the reference for a website.
The first thing you should do, as you're doing your research is to outline your paper using the above format. Try to have 4-5 bullet points for body paragraphs I and II. I will check your outlines and make suggestions on how to improve your essay. I will also check your sources and determine if they are appropriate.
Due date for essay is October 4, 2019.
I am pleased with your progress as a whole. Let's keep this up!