Digestion & Circulation
6.1: Digestion
Mission 1: What Happens After We Chew?
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Define "peristalsis" and describe its function.
2. Explain how food moves through the gut.
3. Describe the function of enzymes on macromolecules.
4. Describe the structure and explain the function of villi.
5. Identify tissue layers in sections of the small intestine.
6. Compare the methods of membrane transport.
7. Draw and annotate a sketch of the digestive system.
The digestive system is responsible for turning the food we eat into nutrients we can use. The process has four steps: ingestion, digestion, absorption and transport. Ingestion is the act of eating. Digestion begins in the mouth, when food is chewed and starting to be broken down with the help of saliva. Absorption occurs when the digested molecules are absorbed through cells. Transport is when the blood delivers the nutrients to body cells.
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Define "peristalsis" and describe its function.
2. Explain how food moves through the gut.
3. Describe the function of enzymes on macromolecules.
4. Describe the structure and explain the function of villi.
5. Identify tissue layers in sections of the small intestine.
6. Compare the methods of membrane transport.
7. Draw and annotate a sketch of the digestive system.
The digestive system is responsible for turning the food we eat into nutrients we can use. The process has four steps: ingestion, digestion, absorption and transport. Ingestion is the act of eating. Digestion begins in the mouth, when food is chewed and starting to be broken down with the help of saliva. Absorption occurs when the digested molecules are absorbed through cells. Transport is when the blood delivers the nutrients to body cells.
Food must be broken down into macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids) before it can be absorbed by the body. The molecules must be able to pass through the cell membranes in the intestines and then capillaries. So food must be chemically digested to the right size for this to take place.
Digestive enzymes add to food as it moves through the alimentary canal (which is the long tube that connects mouth to anus). Enzymes are specific to macromolecules (example: lipase, which breaks down lipids and amylase, which breaks down amylose [or starch]). Enzymes lower activation energy, which means less energy is required for the biochemical reactions to take place. The energy is usually in the form of heat. Our body temperature is ideal for metabolic reactions to occur.
Digestion reactions are all hydrolysis reactions, which means water is required to break up large molecules into monomers.
Digestive enzymes add to food as it moves through the alimentary canal (which is the long tube that connects mouth to anus). Enzymes are specific to macromolecules (example: lipase, which breaks down lipids and amylase, which breaks down amylose [or starch]). Enzymes lower activation energy, which means less energy is required for the biochemical reactions to take place. The energy is usually in the form of heat. Our body temperature is ideal for metabolic reactions to occur.
Digestion reactions are all hydrolysis reactions, which means water is required to break up large molecules into monomers.
Smooth muscle keeps food moving forward. Smooth muscle contractions are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. These contractions are called peristalsis. Peristalsis begins when you swallow and the semi-digested food moves down the esophagus. In the stomach, peristalsis mixes food with digestive secretions including protein-digesting enzymes. This process is called churning. Peristalsis is fast in the esophagus but slow in the intestines. Why do you think this is?
The inner lining of the small intestine (SI) is called mucosa. Mucosa contains small fingerlike folds called villi. Villi, in turn, contain tiny folds called microvilli. This increases the surface area of the small intestine. Increased surface area leads to more and faster absorption. The role of the villi and microvilli is to selectively absorb molecules found in the lumen (cavity) of the SI. Eventually, most monomers are absorbed into the inner capillary bed (see Figure 6.4) and transported via blood to cells.
Let's watch this awesome interactive.
Homework: Sketch and annotate the digestive system. You can use page ____ as a reference. Do a step-by-step list of how food moves through the gut (page _____). Applicable workbook lessons: #160- #167.
The inner lining of the small intestine (SI) is called mucosa. Mucosa contains small fingerlike folds called villi. Villi, in turn, contain tiny folds called microvilli. This increases the surface area of the small intestine. Increased surface area leads to more and faster absorption. The role of the villi and microvilli is to selectively absorb molecules found in the lumen (cavity) of the SI. Eventually, most monomers are absorbed into the inner capillary bed (see Figure 6.4) and transported via blood to cells.
Let's watch this awesome interactive.
Homework: Sketch and annotate the digestive system. You can use page ____ as a reference. Do a step-by-step list of how food moves through the gut (page _____). Applicable workbook lessons: #160- #167.
6.2: The blood system
Mission 2: It's the Beating of That Hideous Heart!
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Describe how blood circulates through the body.
2. Explain how pressure changes in the left atrium, left ventricle and aorta during the cardiac cycle.
3. Identify causes and consequences of occlusion in the coronary arteries.
4. Identify blood vessels from the structure of their walls.
5. Recognize structures of the heart chambers and valves and the blood vessels connected to the heart in dissection and diagrams.
There are very specific things you need to learn in this section. The section focuses on how blood moves through the heart, so expect a short answer question where you have to describe and explain it.
Arteries are deep under the skin and take blood from the heart that have yet to enter capillary beds. Veins are nearer to the surface and take blood from capillary beds back to the heart. The naming of arteries and veins have nothing to do whether the blood is oxygenated or not. Blood going to the lungs (deoxygenated blood) are traveling through pulmonary arteries and blood returning from the lungs (oxygenated blood) are traveling through pulmonary veins. So arteries take blood FROM the heart and veins return blood TO the heart.
Arteries are composed of thick smooth muscle that has the ability to contract and is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). They have elastic fibers that maintain the required high blood pressure achieved by ventricle contractions.
Capillary beds are networks of capillaries that are fueled from arterioles (smallest arteries) and all drain into a single venule (smallest veins). Here, most of the blood pressure is lost because blood cells travel through capillaries single-file. Here is where chemical exchanges take place between the blood and the organs and cells because the capillary walls are far thinner than artery and vein walls.
Veins receive deoxygenated blood at low pressure, so the blood moves slower than through arteries. To account for this, veins have thin walls and larger internal diameters than arteries. Veins also have one-way valves that keep the blood moving back to the heart.
Mission Objectives. You should be able to...
1. Describe how blood circulates through the body.
2. Explain how pressure changes in the left atrium, left ventricle and aorta during the cardiac cycle.
3. Identify causes and consequences of occlusion in the coronary arteries.
4. Identify blood vessels from the structure of their walls.
5. Recognize structures of the heart chambers and valves and the blood vessels connected to the heart in dissection and diagrams.
There are very specific things you need to learn in this section. The section focuses on how blood moves through the heart, so expect a short answer question where you have to describe and explain it.
Arteries are deep under the skin and take blood from the heart that have yet to enter capillary beds. Veins are nearer to the surface and take blood from capillary beds back to the heart. The naming of arteries and veins have nothing to do whether the blood is oxygenated or not. Blood going to the lungs (deoxygenated blood) are traveling through pulmonary arteries and blood returning from the lungs (oxygenated blood) are traveling through pulmonary veins. So arteries take blood FROM the heart and veins return blood TO the heart.
Arteries are composed of thick smooth muscle that has the ability to contract and is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). They have elastic fibers that maintain the required high blood pressure achieved by ventricle contractions.
Capillary beds are networks of capillaries that are fueled from arterioles (smallest arteries) and all drain into a single venule (smallest veins). Here, most of the blood pressure is lost because blood cells travel through capillaries single-file. Here is where chemical exchanges take place between the blood and the organs and cells because the capillary walls are far thinner than artery and vein walls.
Veins receive deoxygenated blood at low pressure, so the blood moves slower than through arteries. To account for this, veins have thin walls and larger internal diameters than arteries. Veins also have one-way valves that keep the blood moving back to the heart.
Heart rate: The sinoatrial node (SA) is a pacemaker that sends signals to initiate atrial contraction. The atrioventricular node (AV) receives the signal from the SA node, goes through a brief delay and then sends out another signal to the ventricles, telling them to contract.
GO HERE for the Heart Dissection Lab info.