01: Stoichiometric Relationships
Essential Ideas
1.1: Physical and chemical properties depend on the ways in which different atoms combine.
1.2: The mole makes it possible to correlate the number of particles with the mass that can be measured.
1.3: Mole ratios in chemical equations can be used to calculate reacting ratios by mass and gas volume.
1.1: The Particulate Nature of Matter
1.2: The Mole Concept
1.3: Reacting Masses & Volumes I: Gases
1.3: Reacting Masses & Volumes II: Solutions
1.1: Physical and chemical properties depend on the ways in which different atoms combine.
1.2: The mole makes it possible to correlate the number of particles with the mass that can be measured.
1.3: Mole ratios in chemical equations can be used to calculate reacting ratios by mass and gas volume.
1.1: The Particulate Nature of Matter
1.2: The Mole Concept
1.3: Reacting Masses & Volumes I: Gases
1.3: Reacting Masses & Volumes II: Solutions